Legacy Gift
A Gift in Will and Other Planned Gifts
Gifts of Securities or Shares
Spencer House accepts gifts of publicly traded securities (shares) in the form of stocks, bonds, bills, and mutual funds. By donating securities directly to Spencer House, you do not pay a capital gain therefore resulting in a lower tax cost to you than if you sell the securities and then donate the cash.
Our Gifts of Securities Transfer form can be found here.
To give safely and securely online, please click here.
A Gift in Your Will
A gift in your Will, also known as a charitable bequest, means you want to provide some of your assets to Spencer House. This may be a sum of money, specific property, securities, or a certain percentage of your estate.
Gifts of Pension Assets
Retirement funds (RRSP’s, RRIF’s or Canada Pension assets) can make an excellent charitable gift, as the tax credit will normally offset the tax on the distribution. You will avoid probate fees and withholding taxes and allow the gift to bypass the estate and go directly to Spencer House.
Life Insurance
You can designate Spencer House as a beneficiary on a new or existing life insurance policy or transfer the ownership of your policy to Spencer House directly with a pledge to pay the premiums each year. It is an affordable way to make a significant donation while experiencing income tax savings during your lifetime or for your estate. When you designate Spencer House as beneficiary your estate benefits from a tax deduction in the year of death, and/or the year preceding. Alternatively, if you transfer your policy and name Spencer House as the policy holder, you may receive tax credits annually on the premiums paid. You can also change your current life insurance policy to allow Spencer House to be a primary, jointly shared, or contingent beneficiary.

By supporting Spencer House through a planned gift, you are ensuring the future of senior support in our community, but more importantly you are demonstrating your commitment to uplifting seniors as well as your dedication to the good and needed work of Spencer House in our community and beyond.
Interested in Providing a Planned Gift to Spencer House?
There are a number of affordable and beneficial planned giving opportunities. We encourage you to speak with your financial planner and lawyer. We would also be delighted to speak with you. Please contact Allison Davis, Executive Director. Email: ed@spencerhouse.ca. Telephone: (902) 421-6131